To better prepare myself and prevent any disaster on my bike ride back, I decided to take my old trusty hyprid bike and hook up my headlights and set my powergenerator on the back pannier handle and hook it up to my backpack with the subwoofer and 2 speakers including my running shoe. I also brought along ,what I like to call, my vegas vest, flashing red lights. On my way to training, WOW, the sound was great and loud. Good bass and sounded really good. I now have a new name for my system. I like to call it "On your left system". Damn, they hear me coming and would move out of my way. NO more yelling on your left. The music does it for me. Including runners with headsets. It is so cool. I could also call it "the parting of the sea system". Anyway, I guess, if you are on the path either running or cycling and all of sudden you hear this loud music from behind, you are going to look to see what the hell is that..... I love it.
Back to the workout. We basically did pacing drills. Run 1 mile at a comfortable pace, 2nd mile at a faster pace and the 3rd mile even faster then the last. I decided to run the last mile ALL OUT. I ran it pretty fast, but always wonder if I could have pushed myself harder. Now, I am on this mode to make my mile faster..... anyway here are the stats for each mile I ran today.
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