Contestant #1 - I found her to be very pleasant and attractive. I could not figure out her accent so I asked her where is she from and she is from Ecuador. She has a beautiful name and nice black hair. Our conversation flow very well and the 7 minutes went fast. She was surprised to learn that I am Hispanic. I marked a Yes on her
Contestant #2 - What a difference on the dynamic of conversation. She seem very nice, and does a lot of running, but beside that we did not have much to talk about. I marked a No on her.
Contestant #3 - She seem to be a bit shy and nervous and was not sure if this was for her. She was very pretty. She wanted to leave, so I consoled her and telling her that it was fine and that we are all on the same boat and that one must take risks. Spend the whole boost her confidence. She ended up leaving after me. I marked a No on her just because she did not seem ready for anything
Contestant #4 - This one was very pretty, she is Greek and spoke Greek very fluent, loves to travel and loves biking. I was really attractive to her. We talked and the time flew so fast, I did not get to talk about my biking experience. I am interested in her because she love biking. I marked a Yes to her
At this point, I had to stand in line for the rotation, since there were more guys then girls. This is were I order another glass of Pinot Grigio and mingled with other guys.
Contestant #5 - When I asked her where she worked, she said here at Moxie, they did not have enough girls so the host asked her if she was interested, since she is new to town she said yes. But she looked to young, but we had a lot in common. She is into the film and video production and loves hiking and camping. She is a bit taller then me and not really my type. I still marked a Yes for her. Who know we could be friends if nothing else.
Contestant #6 - This one, I had a hard time having a conversation with. We asked each other what we do and where we have traveled and that was it. The conversation did not flow very well. She was pleasant but we did not connect at all. I marked a No for her
Contestant #7 - The first thing out of her mouth was, I know you from somewhere. Wow, it is interesting, because she looked familiar to me. She has long beautiful flowing hair, green eyes and very fit. We spend almost the whole time trying to figure out where we know each other. It is just killing me as to where I know her from. She said that she even recognized my voice also. We did have a bit in common. She has hiked and camped a lot out west. Same places I have been to. She was really cute. But wonder where I know her from. I am still thinking about it. So I marked a Yes for her.
What happens now? Well, I am now waiting to receive an email to let me know if I got a yes to my yes. If there is a match, we then can communicate with each other and go on a date. I don't expect any yes or anything out of it. It was definitely an interesting experience and found it very interesting the difference of interaction between each person. I found it very fascinated. I don't think I was knock out with anyone but would go on a date with them and see what happens. I would probably do it again and see what happens
Still fun.
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