I have made it a rule of my life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy... you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in. --Katherine Mansfield
This is great. One of lifes pleasure is to enjoy life without experiencing regret. Do you want to be 80 years old and wonder what if? What if I took that turn? What if I made that decision? I look back in life and sometimes find myself wondering. I have to stop that and say, NO, not today! No Regrets. The decisions you made in the past might not have been the right ones, but those decision you made have made that person who you are today. Be proud of who you are. The experience you have made is what makes you the type of person you are.
Life is so short that you live your life in fear, you would not have lived your life to the fullest. Live life without regret. Take that chance.
What is Regret, it is a sense of loss, disappointment and disatisfaction with ones self or the desision one made. This notion can become very unhealthy and create a very negative enviroment.
I found this great article in Askmen.com Here are 6 ways to avoid regret.
1- Think things throughList the pros and cons when making a decision. This will minimize the risk of potential regrets. Sleep on it and you may find that a decision comes easier after some time has passed. It is true that some things are out of your control, but if you don't plan, you may be setting yourself up for negative consequences.If you move across the country on a whim, you may have serious regrets if you discover a zero vacancy rate, a flat job market and an exceptionally high cost of living. Weighing the positive and negative aspects of any decision won't always protect you from mistakes or adverse circumstances, but taking the time to do an assessment and formulate a plan can help shield you from potential regrets.
2- Be decisive Once you have made a decision, let it go. Be confident and banish self-doubt. If you decide to buy property or stocks, do your research, make an informed decision and live with it. An unexpected drop in the market may be a disappointing temporary setback, but don't let it discourage you too much. "Hindsight is always 20/20." (Billy Wilder)
3- Accept eventsAccept reality. Life is a series of events that unfold before you. Some are good and some are bad, but you must experience the bitter to enjoy the sweet. Woody Allen said: "My one regret in life is that I am not someone else." I hope he wasn't serious. Nevertheless, we all need to recognize things we cannot change and learn to expect and accept the consequences of our actions.For instance, if you were passed over for a promotion or were dumped by your dream girl, accept it. Try to figure out what you could have done differently and then move on. It is really easy to look back and see what you ought to have done, but don't let it become an unhealthy habit. Let go of feelings of regret.Take action and lose the loser attitude
4- Take actionAssess any regrets you have and rectify what you can. If you feel you didn't travel enough while in college, plan a trip now. If you're married, modify your dream trip and bring your wife along. Even if it's not the backpacking tour you wish you had taken after graduation, a trip to Europe as a couple could be an even better substitute.Have you lost track of old friends? The Internet has opened up great opportunities to find lost friends, no matter how long it has been since you've seen them. If something is important to you, don't get stressed over it -- take action.
5- Be positiveChange your outlook. Understand that if you are happy now, it's probably because you have experienced certain things. You are the result of your past experiences and your positive acceptance of them. It is always difficult to be positive in the face of tragedy but, when a friend or relative dies, try to focus on the good memories rather than regretting things you did not have a chance to say or to do together.It's good to grieve but try to be positive, not regretful, in your attitude about life.
6- Lose the loser attitudeDrop the "would have, should have, could have" mentality. We would all be healthier if we could train ourselves to eliminate the words "I should have" from our vocabulary, because they almost always carry feelings of guilt. Avoid mental stress by getting rid of any defeatist attitude.If you missed a deadline at work, accept the consequences and take corrective action. Prepare a timeline for your next project and you will be a winner, not a loser. Maybe you "should have" done that last time. Forget about it. It's over. Move ahead. "Don't let yesterday use up too much of today." (Will Rogers)
don't worry, be happy Everything that has happened to you in the past has happened for a reason. It's good to learn from history so that it doesn't repeat itself, but don't dwell on it. Focus on the present and the future. Worry only about things over which you have direct control.Enjoy life and live every day to the fullest. As Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... Explore. Dream. Discover." For the good of your body and mind, don't live with regret.
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