Don't really know why I am comtemplating on this today. Years ago, I went to a famous physic here in Chicago, who has appeared in Radio and TV and used to work with the Police Department in recovery bodies. She once told me that I have an old soul. I am not young as far as my soul is consider. Sometimes, this is one reason why I find myself not connecting to anyone that I meet for a mate. I would be attractive to them, but would not connect at any other level. This is my best quess as to why.
What is an old soul and what is this hocus pocus I am talking about.
There are a number of factors to take into consideration when calling one an old soul.
First of all it has nothing to do with ones age in this incarnation.
For example, a four year old child may be an old soul, yet an eighty year old person may be a young soul.
One thing for sure is that an old soul seems to have had many reincarnations on Earth or other places for that matter.
But most important they have brought with them a sense of spiritual wisdom through the learning processes of previous incarnations.
Old souls are also people of strong emotional stability.
The key signs of an old soul
· Giving and caring often putting others first
· Had a difficult romantic life often with much pain and disappointment
· More than likely had a soulmate relationship
· Things just seem to happen to you and around you, often becoming very dramatic through the seemingly extreme reactions of others
· Events repeat themselves
· Have trouble connecting with your family
· Somehow know you're different
· Have some psychic intuition and 'just knowing' things
· Find that you have deeper emotions and passions than most people
· People have extreme reactions to you - some just adore you and some seem to really dislike you yet you behave the same to everyone
· Have an inner creative passion
· Suffer lots of jealousy· Often perceived wrongly
· Feel your don't have much free will, like your life is being controlled by some outside force· Often feel 'stuck' like events just keep on happening to you time after time
Soul AgeThe terms 'old soul' and 'young soul' aren't just descriptions of personality types but do give us a meaningful clue to why we find ourselves in this life cycle…The journey of the soul through many lives is one of growth and learning from the earliest manifestation of that soul in human form - where it's focused on material things, power, ego and the "now", eventually through to the higher levels of compassion, truth, destiny, caring and fairness in later lives as old souls.
What is an old soul and what is this hocus pocus I am talking about.
There are a number of factors to take into consideration when calling one an old soul.
First of all it has nothing to do with ones age in this incarnation.
For example, a four year old child may be an old soul, yet an eighty year old person may be a young soul.
One thing for sure is that an old soul seems to have had many reincarnations on Earth or other places for that matter.
But most important they have brought with them a sense of spiritual wisdom through the learning processes of previous incarnations.
Old souls are also people of strong emotional stability.
The key signs of an old soul
· Giving and caring often putting others first
· Had a difficult romantic life often with much pain and disappointment
· More than likely had a soulmate relationship
· Things just seem to happen to you and around you, often becoming very dramatic through the seemingly extreme reactions of others
· Events repeat themselves
· Have trouble connecting with your family
· Somehow know you're different
· Have some psychic intuition and 'just knowing' things
· Find that you have deeper emotions and passions than most people
· People have extreme reactions to you - some just adore you and some seem to really dislike you yet you behave the same to everyone
· Have an inner creative passion
· Suffer lots of jealousy· Often perceived wrongly
· Feel your don't have much free will, like your life is being controlled by some outside force· Often feel 'stuck' like events just keep on happening to you time after time
Soul AgeThe terms 'old soul' and 'young soul' aren't just descriptions of personality types but do give us a meaningful clue to why we find ourselves in this life cycle…The journey of the soul through many lives is one of growth and learning from the earliest manifestation of that soul in human form - where it's focused on material things, power, ego and the "now", eventually through to the higher levels of compassion, truth, destiny, caring and fairness in later lives as old souls.
I often find myself in search of soul fullfillment, but my thrist for this type of fullfillment never gets satisfied.
I will have more later as I develop my thought more
I will have more later as I develop my thought more
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