I have been doing a bit of thinking about life. My purpose of this blog entry is to motivate you to take action on creating the life you want. I myself need to do this. If you are dissatisfied with some part of your life, know that you have the power to change it and it all start with your thoughts.
It is an undeniable fact that how you think and what you think about determines the shape and quality of your life.
Can your thinking prevent tragedy and challenges from touching your life? No. We all experience our share of hardship and misfortune. Life is not always easy, but it is wondrous and beautiful all the same.
I know you can eliminate bad things in your life, what can thought do to help in difficult situations? By controlling your thought you can determine how those incidents affect your life. Choose to find the good, find the lessons and you will shape a more positive life for yourself. Remember it is how think about it that counts and determines how you will feel.
So what should you do about all this.
1. when you get up in the morning, and before you get up from bed. Mediate about your life. Think about how positive you will be today. Think about how great it is to breath life in and out. Make sure you get up with some positive thought about yourself.
2. Daydream. Yes, I love doing this. Day dream about your plans for the future. Think about the area in your life which you want to change. Day dream about where you want to go or achieve. This is the first step.
3. Write down your dream down. This put forth a more concret declaration of what you want to achive. You now have it on paper. Don't worry about if it is possible. Assume that anything is possible.
4. Action, what will it take for your dreams to come true. Break it down to monthly, daily goals and weekly goals. How will you get there?
5. Find someone who has done what you want to do or achieve what you want to achieve. Seek advice. How did they handle the challenge? What kind of sacrifices did it take. Remember, life is full of risk and you only have one life to live and with no regrets. If this person suceeded, why can't you.
6. Remind yourself the goal you have set. Put up post it to remind you . Send yourself emails to remind you.
7. What I do is be thankful everyday. Before you wake up, take a bit of time each morning to really appreciate what you currently have in your life that is good.
8. Believe. Believing in the power of your thoughts. If you can think it you can achieve it. It is all up to you. Don't let anyone get in your way of achieving what you set out to.
Most important, take action towards your goal. It only takes small steps that will add up to your achievement. You are all capable of more then you think you can.
1 comment:
what a positive commentary.
Try not to llow fear to drive your life. There arev so many frightening things in this world. But to spend precious life worrying about might be...is paying, "dues to disaster." handle things when they arrive. You'll be fine. There is, as Danny pointed out, so much "potential" in each day...each moment. Risk it. You'll never know unless you try.
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