Sunday, December 14, 2008

Honolulu Marathon: Done

Well, Marathon #12 is done and boy what an experience.... Not only did I have to battle the rain for the first 13 miles, but it was so crowded I could not get around the people especially when it narrowed the route. I also had problems breathing through my nose because of the congestion. I had a cold all week and have been battling it for awhile.
More later on the marathon... but boy what a dilema I found myself in. I carried my License for my ID in case there was some issue and I put it in the same case as my camera. I now remember taking my camera out and running at the same time to take a video... that is when my license must have fallen out... I freaked out when I discovered it missing at mile 23... Holy.. I need it to board the plane to rent a car....etc.
I made a police report and that will be good enough, contact the director of the marathon and he will call me if he finds it. Called the Car rental to make sure I can use the report to rent a car and I am also having my passport Fedex to my hotel room in Kauai...

Wow... hope that is the last of that....

More later


Anonymous said...

It is on its way, Love!
Have a wonderful time while in Hawaii. You deserve a nice vacation.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Glad you got your passport!