According to the website
WOW! We're gonna have fun with this one! On the fringes of the mysterious Area 51, Highway 375 has one of the highest number of reported UFO sightings. Enough so, that in 1996 the federal government officially named the 98 mile stretch of highway the "Extraterrestrial Highway". The ET Highway has become a gathering place for UFO enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. With elevations ranging from roughly 4000-5600 feet, the high desert will enchant you with gorgeous vegetation, surrounding mountains, and stunning vistas. An additional treat is the cooler temperatures. Rachel, NV is generally 15 degrees cooler than the Las Vegas Valley; coupled with a midnight run, temperatures should be in the 60's in August!
* The Extraterrestrial Full Moon Midnight Marathon, 1/2, 10K & 51K are run on the weekend closest to the full moon, starting at midnight for the marathon.
** All runners are REQUIRED to wear reflective clothing; carry a handheld flashlight or wear a headlamp; glow-necklaces will be provided.
*** All runners MUST exercise extreme caution as this highway is open range- meaning cows and other animals may be on the roadway! You may not provoke or approach these animals. Mind your own business and they should leave you alone.
The marathon starts at 12am from the "Black Mailbox" (which is ironically white). Runners will run on the shoulder of the road against traffic. Marathoners will climb to the Coyote Summit at 5591 feet and then descend into the town of Rachel at 4970 feet. From the start, the town of Rachel is roughly 20 miles. Marathoners will PASS by the Little A'le'Inn restaurant (the finish line) and go another roughly 3.1 miles. At roughly mile 23.1 marathoners will turn around and run the remaining 3.1 miles back to the Little A'le'Inn Restaurant and finish line where the BREAKFAST SPREAD awaits! 8 hour course cut-off.