What it is, its a 10.5 run with obstacles. You can do it in teams of 3 or solo. Of course I decided to do it as solo. The run was easy, my fastest mile was at 7:45, my over average, excluding the stair climbing was about 8:45. There were 8 obstacles throughout.
1. Monkey bars - did well, had to jump to reach it and finished it, but with my shoulder tendinitis I was feeling the pain on my right shoulder.
2. Jersey barricade and the culvert tunnel - easy no problems there.
3. Under the Dodge pickup and under the cargo nets - still easy no issues there
4. Marine Hurdle - DAMN - this one really made me angry, it way above my head I tried to do it in several ways, but just could not get over it. I could not believe how hard it was. I would wrap my legs and arm around it and hand there and could not get my body over it. In fact the girl, a cutie, tried to push me over but she could not. So, she ended up cuffing her hands so I can step on it and leap over it. As I am done, it just took my breath away... I was so pissed that now I want to find does marine hurdles and practice them so I can conquer them... Ugh...
5. Soldier field stairs up and down 3 times.- There was a bottle neck at the entrance, so I ended up waiting and waiting to get to the stairs, that one obstacles that I thought would kick my ass, did not... It was fairly easy, but steep.
6. Over the Taxi - Easy, I just leaped over it.
7. Over the wall - 2nd try manage to pull myself over without a problem
Next time, I will train for Marine hurdles and start doing major pull ups, as long as my right shoulder does not give me a problems.
I have to give special thanks to some great and awesome supp rot I had on the Course,
April and Karyn who out there on their bike just rooting for me.
My best friend Michelle, near solider field and at the finish line cheering me on. was quite moving
And Heather and little Hana at the finish line with her big smile. THanks you so much.
Stats to follow :
Number | Name | Leg1 | Leg 2 | Stairs | Legs 3 | Time |
1719 | Danny | 28:07:00 | 43.54 | 12:10 | 37:37 | 1:48:57 |

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