Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012

Well, its finally 2012.  A new year for contemplating our coming year.  What do we want to get out of this year?  Where do we want to go?  How are we going to do it?  What kind of challenge will be put on your path? Where are we now and where we come from.  
Looking back to 2011, I can only say nothing significant comes at me.  That in itself is saying a lot.  Nothing significant.  That's right, 2011 was quiet insignificant.  How do I change that?  
Change only requires 1 step.  That step towards your goal.  The motivation of starting it up is what makes it hard to begin with.  Once you start, and continue doing what you want is when  you will see change. 

I have a lot of goals for this coming year.  Some are physical challenges that I would like to continue.  Others are personal challenge that requires to take the necessary steps to towards gaining my own personal goals.  

One common thread that links all of my goals is "Happiness".  It is what everyone strives for.  The main goal for me to stop procrastinating and living the life I should be living.  I have been in a rut for over a year now.  It is time for me to get out of my hole and come up and face all the challenges that comes my way.  A lot of them will be challenges that I do not want to face, but will need to deal with it in order to move forward.  
I have 365 days to do what I need to do. 
