In the past couple of weeks, with my father getting worse and now getting better. Going to the hospital and seeing others, old and young, very sick, it has made me re-think my own life.
This was a big wake up call for me. Not only to remind myself how delicate life is and how much we need to appreciate others. Anything could happen to us. We might be the healthiest person on earth, but we can not escape any illness or accident that might come our way in a blink of an eye.
When my dad was in the hospital is made me realize my own health. How important it is to maintain and live a healthy lifestyle. This only reinforces how important it is to continue to stay fit by running, cycling, working out and eating a good diet.
I have been fortunate in my life to not suffer from any illness or injury. I have been able to stay healthy and fit, more times then others.
I know so many people personally that have endure so much illness, suffering and bad overall health. I know quite a few people who are Leukemia and lymphoma survivors as well as Cancer survivors. I can't even imagine what is like. This motivates me to continue to participate with the Leukemia and lymphoma society as a marathon coach. It is a way of being thankful for my own health and helping others get through this illness and others.
Continue to live your life to the fullest. Life is fragile and can be taken away from you in a moment, with no warning. Don't ever leave thinks for the next day. If you can do it, do it now.
Since my dad has been sick with Congestive heart failure, I have been going in and out of doctors, hospitals and have even had to go to the doctor myself with a chronic throat issue. I have realized that one of the most important ways to keep your heart healthy is to use it. Running is so good for your heart. It is a muscle and needs to be worked out. Not only does running help your heart, but it has also shown to strengthen your bones. Cardio and a good diet is so important.
That is why, I will continue to run marathon, and cycle centuries and keep pushing myself physically by doing fun, and adventurous things.
Live life as it is your last day and live it without regret.