As you may know or not know, Monday was a day of hell at work, not so much the people or the work but just the hassle of the production issue we had and that I had to deal with. It is a long story, but to make it brief it was a very frustrating day for me yesterday. I got home, did some work on the computer as usual. I was so involved what I was doing that I completely forgot to watch Heros.
I wanted to paint what I was feeling and my sister mentioned the color red and that hit the spot. That is how I felt.. trapped in Red in darkness, hence the painting above.
Now this brings me to another thought or inspiration that we tend to forget. The native indians had so much wisdom and their rituals actually meant something. All of their ritual were tied to mother earth or your soul and spirits.
I found this somewhere on the internet
Love and the cycle of life were sacred matters to the Native American. Knowledge about his world was passed to an Indian child by his parents and tribal elders, but his true wisdom came from visions, dreams and the whispers he heard from every living thing and element with which he came in contact during his life. His heart and ear were always listening for the soft voice of the wind in the pine, the mournful song of the coyote or the gentle laughter that danced on the ripples in the brook. He heard words in the soft breathing of his newborn child, the stirrings of his sleeping wife, and the wrinkles in the faces of his grandparents. Everything spoke to him and he held great respect for all life. Here are a few of my favorite words of wisdom and love.
I know that I have been blogging more on philosophy and inspiration, but isn't that an adventure in itself? Are we not in an adventure in finding ourselves?
I promise I will be blogging more on my future adventure, training, coaching..and some interesting certification that I am planning to acquire.
Take care
Shine bright lights!!
I wanted to paint what I was feeling and my sister mentioned the color red and that hit the spot. That is how I felt.. trapped in Red in darkness, hence the painting above.
Now this brings me to another thought or inspiration that we tend to forget. The native indians had so much wisdom and their rituals actually meant something. All of their ritual were tied to mother earth or your soul and spirits.
I found this somewhere on the internet
Love and the cycle of life were sacred matters to the Native American. Knowledge about his world was passed to an Indian child by his parents and tribal elders, but his true wisdom came from visions, dreams and the whispers he heard from every living thing and element with which he came in contact during his life. His heart and ear were always listening for the soft voice of the wind in the pine, the mournful song of the coyote or the gentle laughter that danced on the ripples in the brook. He heard words in the soft breathing of his newborn child, the stirrings of his sleeping wife, and the wrinkles in the faces of his grandparents. Everything spoke to him and he held great respect for all life. Here are a few of my favorite words of wisdom and love.
I know that I have been blogging more on philosophy and inspiration, but isn't that an adventure in itself? Are we not in an adventure in finding ourselves?
I promise I will be blogging more on my future adventure, training, coaching..and some interesting certification that I am planning to acquire.
Take care
Shine bright lights!!