Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My last day of being in the 30s

Well, today is my last day of being in my 30s and I must admit I feel a bit strange. It feels like I am losing something. I can't put my finger on it, but I feel a bit under the weather and blue. Thinking that tomorrow I am now going to be 40. What will that mean? I a lot of people I talked to who is 40 or over tells me, it is just turning any other age. Why am I taking it so hard. Maybe I am reflecting on what I have not accomplished instead of what I have accomplished.
As of now, what am I planning to do this year?
1. My 10th RAGBRAI bike ride across Iowa, as long as it does not become a canoe ride across Iowa.
2. Joined High life adventure, a club just for adventurous single looking for great fun activities.
3. Swimming lesson begins in July in order for me to do my first Tri
4. Hiking for the 5th time in the Grand Canyon with my sister and my good friend Michelle.
5. Possibly my first Ultra marathon 31.1
6. Fly an F14 Jet Fighter the end of September, except for taking off and landing of course.
7. Sailing lesson in August
8. One more marathon before December
9. Honolulu Marathon with a week of hiking and camping in Waiki
10. Speed dating in July 2nd
11. Joined "It's just Lunch", since and I only get people from other states or psychos.
12. Getting my credit fixed and getting ready to buy a condo or house next year.

I have a lot planned.

Time does go by so quickly. You must make the most out of life and don't let any moment fly by. Enjoy your life and don't ever say, I can't do it. Everyone is capable of doing more then they think they can. Life is about taking risk. Life is a collection of milestone, moments, memories and events.
Don't ever take life for granted. Take care of yourself, because no one else will do it for you. We were born alone and will die alone.
that is all.

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